(503) 545-5377
About Tip Top Chimney Sweep

Tip Top Chimney Sweep is based out of Portland, Oregon. We were established in 1976 in Madison County Virginia by my father, J. Isaac Watts. My father built a solid reputation through hard work and amazing customer service. In the pre-internet days one had to be a little savvier when marketing a business or service. He excelled at selling himself and his trade. A tall man, even taller with the top hat, he never missed an opportunity to shake a hand, receive a kiss on the cheek for good luck, or pose for a picture. In fact he was a pioneer in the industry; he led conventions and workshops to train others in the trade, he also worked with the local fire departments to help create an awareness of the dangers of chimney fires. He also enjoyed entering and winning every local parade in Central Virginia, delighting the crowds with mock chimney fires on a rooftop float and tossing candy to the children.
My father also marketed Tip Top as a family business and got me involved at a young age. I started off as a little top hat wearing helper but by the time I could drive my father had made me his 50/50 partner. By 1991 he had handed the business over to me and left for Desert Storm in support of our troops as a Merchant Marine, his new occupation*. I continued to uphold the high standard my father had set for the next five years while attending community college in the slow season.
In 1996 I decided to move to Portland and earn my Bachelors of Science from Portland State University. I quickly put down roots and fell in love with the Pacific Northwest, especially Portland and the surrounding areas. I found very rewarding work over the last twelve years in the field of environmental restoration, but have always missed the industry that provided me with the freedom of self-employment. I am very excited to re-enter the industry, it is full of romance and superstition and allows me to meet so many wonderful people and beautiful properties.
I am licensed, insured, bonded, and experienced. Please call Tip Top Chimney Sweep for your annual inspection. I’m looking forward to meeting all my new customers.
*Isaac Watts currently lives in sunny and warm southern Florida were his chimney sweeping expertise is not needed, but I still call him as my number one consultant.